90 Days to Your Best Beach Bod

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Summer is just around the corner, and if you're looking to achieve your best beach body, truSculpt iD body contouring could be the solution you've been searching for. This nonsurgical fat reduction treatment is designed to help you slim and sculpt your body, leaving you feeling confident and ready to hit the beach in just 90 days.

At Nadomi Medspa, Dr. Nada Zaknoun helps patients in Wareham, MA, and the surrounding areas of Marion and Mattapoisett, MA, get ready for warmer weather with state-of-the-art body treatments.

Keep reading to learn more about what truSculpt iD body contouring can do for you.

What is truSculpt iD body contouring?

Are you tired of tirelessly working out and still not seeing the defined beach body you desire? truSculpt iD is a noninvasive body sculpting treatment that uses radiofrequency technology to selectively target and reduce stubborn areas of fat that are so hard to target with diet and exercise alone.

During the treatment, a small handheld device is placed over the target area, and radiofrequency (RF) energy is delivered to the fat cells beneath the skin. This energy causes the fat cells to heat up and eventually die off without damaging the surrounding tissue. The body then naturally removes the dead fat cells over time, resulting in a slimmer and more toned appearance.

What are the benefits of truSculpt iD?

There are many benefits to choosing truSculpt iD for your body contouring needs.

  • The treatment is nonsurgical, which means there are no incisions, stitches, or scars involved
  • There is no downtime required after the treatment, so you can return to your daily activities right away
  • truSculpt iD is customized for individual needs, making it a good option, regardless of skin type, fat thickness, and location of the fat
  • It can treat multiple areas of the body, including the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and arms

truSculpt iD is also a comfortable and safe treatment option with minimal side effects. It can be used on most people, even if they are not candidates for other cosmetic body contouring procedures.

What can I expect during my truSculpt iD appointment?

Most patients report feeling a warm sensation during the treatment, but this is generally well-tolerated and does not cause pain or discomfort. There may be some mild redness or swelling in the treatment area after the procedure, but this typically resolves within a few hours to a few days.

Most patients require multiple sessions to achieve their desired results, with each session lasting approximately 15 – 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas being treated.

Results are not immediate but begin to appear over a period of 6 – 12 weeks as your body adjusts to the loss of fat cells. And while many patients see results after just one treatment, you may choose to have multiple sessions to get ideal results in some areas. But that's all the more reason to schedule your appointment as soon as possible to prepare for summer.

Get your body ready for the beach with nonsurgical truSculpt iD in Wareham, MA

If you're ready to achieve your best beach body in just 90 days, Dr. Nada Zaknoun will evaluate your individual needs and goals and the areas of your body that you would like to target to see if truSculpt iD body contouring is right for you.

To get started, schedule a consultation at Nadomi Medspa in Wareham, MA. We welcome patients from the surrounding areas, including Marion and Mattapoisett, MA.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.